“Corporate Social Responsibility is a hard-edged business decision. Not because it is a nice thing to do - but because it is good for the business."
Niall FitzGerald
Corporate Health & Social Responsibility
The positive relationship between staff wellbeing and organisational productivity has been well researched; as have the negative consequences, with approx. AUD 10.9 billion dollars spent by Australian organisations each year for workplace absenteeism, presenteeism, and compensation claims from their employees due to mental and physical health issues.
Also, with millennials becoming an increasingly large percentage of today’s workforce - and their strong preference to work for socially responsible organisations - companies are well-advised to put both corporate health and social responsibility topics at the top of their business agendas.
Making a Move can help you improve operational effectiveness; enhance your organisation’s reputation; and build a happier, healthier, and ‘more present’ workforce by designing and executing ‘bespoke’ staff wellbeing initiatives for your company, to develop your staff’s health and their emotional intelligence/leadership skills, by involving them in sports activities and social community engagement projects.
Collaboration examples include:
‘Office-fit’ campaigns (ergonomic workplace set-up & workspace mobilisation activities)
Customised staff health & fitness training (on-site/outdoors/online)
Team-building & community engagement initiatives (see photos below)
Please contact us to discuss suitable collaboration options for your workforce in person.